Frequently Asked Questions

I want to use Kolibri for my educational program. What do I need to know to get started?

Welcome! Kolibri is open source and available to download directly from our download page. After downloading the platform, you can import resources from our Kolibri Content Library, or import your own content channels using our online curriculum tool, Kolibri Studio (see more information below!). After the content has been downloaded initially, it can be distributed completely offline via peer-to-peer or on external storage device.

We also recommend taking a look at our full set of documentation to learn more about installation and using Kolibri.

I’m interested, but do I need to download to explore Kolibri before getting started?

Downloading Kolibri will give you the best sense of what it will look like with your own materials. We also encourage you to explore the online demo site to get a better feel for what Kolibri looks like, and can test out the three user account types (learner, coach and admin).

What kind of devices can be used to access Kolibri?

Kolibri is installed onto a server, which can include a variety of low-cost and legacy devices and operating systems. It can also be accessed on a variety of client devices over a local area network. Take a look at our hardware guide for a sense of what technical components are needed for set-up and configuration, as well as a list of some possible device types here.

We are also providing a private (initial) release of a Kolibri Android App to users who meet a certain set of criteria, to ensure that the current functionalities and experience meet the general needs of the anticipated use case. If you are interested in learning more about this, please contact us at
[email protected].

Can you provide guidance on how to integrate Kolibri into different learning environments?

Our Kolibri EdTech Toolkit supports facilitators in integrating Kolibri in learning environments by providing resources for do-it-yourself implementation, including hardware suggestions, training materials (for a “training of trainers” scaffolded model), teacher resources, blended learning strategies, and more.

How can I import and organize my own educational resources and exercises?

Create an account on Kolibri Studio by going to You can learn more about getting started on Studio, along with additional guidance for curriculum alignment, by accessing our Kolibri Studio training toolkit, which has tutorials on how to use the tool, reflection questions to consider to help you make best use of it, and more.

I have a specific question. Where can I receive implementation or technical support?

We ask you to re-direct support inquiries to our community forum, where Learning Equality and our community can engage with you.

How can I share with you how I'm using Kolibri?

We would love to hear how you’re using Kolibri! Share your story with us via our contact form or, even better, on our community forum so that others may learn from it.

How can I stay up-to-date on Kolibri and LE's work?

To receive updates from Learning Equality about Kolibri, including new features, content sources, the upcoming Android App, and COVID-19 related resources, please sign up for our newsletter here.

I only want to use KA Lite. Can I use KA Lite?

KA Lite is no longer under active development, but it will continue to be available for download and use. However, Kolibri is better positioned for any organization new to Learning Equality’s tools and software, as it has feature parity with KA Lite, and includes Khan Academy content in a variety of languages. To learn more about the differences between KA Lite and Kolibri, read our blog post here.

For all other questions and inquiries, please reach out through our contact form and someone will be in touch with you shortly.